Except for this:

Meet the newest member of our family: Lily B. I had to do a little intervention on her obvious neglect. And now she lives with us!! Oh my, 3 dogs. That's the limit when it comes to the law! Who would have guessed! Ginny the dog saver! While it has taken a little getting used to, the barking, loud playing and FARTING, she really is sooo happy and doesn't have to sleep outside anymore :[
As for everything else in our life....this about sums it up....

That dog is ADORABLE!!! And the little girl is pretty cute too! She and Charley need to play.
no kidding, she asked about, "charlick" the whole way home the other day...
Yeah! You rescued Lily B.! The world is right again.
Dog farts are the worst! Your a good girl Ginny S.! Even I can appreciate a good, "saved the dog" story!
Those are a coupla great pictures- they both gave me the warm fuzzies! Love that chubby cheeked baby acting like she's 14.. sassypants!! Congrats on your new addition, your mom would be proud! love, Camille
BTW, it looks like Diddy's wearing stirrup leggings in her pic- Ha! That would be a sight. -Camille
They are pretty damn close! I got them at Old Navy and they have 5 snaps at the bottom and they totally remind me of the 80's stirrups!!!
awww Lily Bea! U know I still want that dog, guess we'll have to get our own frenchie, cause it looks like your not getting rid of her anytime soon!
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