Monday, October 29, 2007

Flashback, almost Tuesday.

Okay I know I have posted this before, a year ago to be exact, but it is sooo freakin' cute. And I can't believe this is the same child. Seriously.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

WaLk for the CuRe

Yeah, it's supposed to be "Run for the Cure," but, you know, the kids were with us. Otherwise, I definately would have run. Ha! I'm funny. But really, thank you summer for inviting us to walk. The kids were really into it and it felt great to do something so feel good for such an amazing cause. I loved it!

Don't foget to check out myspace for additional photos.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A different post

Hi all- I really just wanted to change the post because Summer was tired of loading, "Ginny the Hero," and since I do whatever Summer says, then there you go!!

Not much at the Casa De Starr's except a few interesting and fun tidbits, in no particular order:

  • My husband had strep throat last week and was in bed for 6 days. No lie. As much as I would like to say he was being a baby, blah, blah, he really was sooo sick. I actually felt sorry for him. Don't get me wrong, I felt sorry for myself too. I was a single parent for the week!

  • We went to OU/TX the weekend before last with the Scott's and the Steel's. It was so_much_fun that I cannot even express. So relaxing and enjoyable. I will eventually post some pics when Ashli sends me some. Fun was had and Ashli was as crass as ever!

  • Our longtime housekeepers quit. These were the folks that brought their kids every week and were like siblings to Grace. She was so upset! And so was I. The cleaning was secondary to the actual relationships. But, alas, the mom despised my darling husband and decided to be done with us. Sigh.

  • My dad is still annoying, but I decided to be nice to him. It's really pointless to be mad at him. It gets me nowhere and only makes me feel worse. So I am back to being nice again.
  • I finally got a myspace. I feel kinda old in doing it, but it's been fun! Go over there and check it out right here.