Monday, June 18, 2007

nutshell version

Well, peeps, so much has happened since my last post. I know, I suck in the new posting arena. Let's see: Grace decided that she didn't want to talk to me about the fact that she had gum in her hair and chose to cut her hair AGAIN!! She is so destined to be a hairstylist. Which would be cool cause then she could be on that show Shear Genius, oh wait, I would rather her be on the show So You Think You Can Dance. My new obsession. God, Wade has got to be so embarrassed by me! Anyway! I decided to not be mad and told her that we would have to get a summer cut and she was all, "GREAT!!" So, hmmm, no punishment or consequence there. And here is a pic of the VERY short cut:

We went on our annual trip this summer, this time to San Antonio. Most of you out there are maybe wondering why we would go to such a destination and I am here to tell you that it is the bomb. It's only an hour 15 minute flight, no time change, plenty of sunshine, pools and SEAWORLD!! We really wanted to go to San Diego to see Mere and fam, but this really worked out better for this summer. It was paradise I tell you. I could have stayed several more days! Both kids were so good, although Grace was completely against the camp the hotel offered, which was fine since Sydney was too young to go. I finally got out the fact that she was shy meeting new friends. Huh??!? I noticed that she was not as chatty with the other kids as in vacations past. Hope that phase passes quickly. I can remember meeting lots of kids when my family went on vacation. I do think I was older though. While Grace was amazing on the trip, I noticed a little extra eye-rolling and heavy sighing. Hmmm....not too sure what that's all about. I do not like bratty behavior! I'll have to keep my eye on that one! Anyway, fun was had by all including super-daddy! The kids are going through some serious daddy withdrawal this week. Every 5 seconds Sydney asks, "where's daddy?" So cute!!

Her first pedicure, get em started early,bitches! Am I really that surprised that she acting bratty?!? Duh!

Syd got a beautiful braid like sissy and here she is admiring the woman's work. Hah!

Syd and her daiquiri, chillin' at the "beach".

Grace lost her 6th tooth! Whew! She's keeping that tooth fairy b-u-s-y!!!!! I know, who really cares except me and Wade.

Today is my mom's birthday. June 18th. You wanna know how my dad celebrated that! He took Grace to his girlfriend's house for a party, didn't pay attention to what she was doing and, OOPS, there was a teeny-tiny accident involving my daughter's knees and a moving treadmill. Nice. The child is lucky she still has a face. Shizzzz.....

Grace told me today that she is postive you are getting cake in heaven. Happy birthday, mommy.


lifeinsuburbia said...

hi! Good to hear from you. Glad you had a good vaca! We'll be in town next week! WOOT!

ginny said...

hey Brooke, I just wanted to let you know that I cannot post comments on your blog!! It's so annoying!!

The Mossmans said...

Welcome back! I totally agree that San Antonio is the shizz. The water park at SeaWorld is so awesome...can't wait to take the girls back! See you tomorrow. BTW, Grace's hair is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Love Grace's cake observation. Nice post. Bubs

Anonymous said...

Again, Grace looks like your mom in that first pic- her smile. Glad you had a great time- will definitely look into seaworld myself. Camille

ashli said...

Hope we can make it to good old san antone ourselves! VIVA! Love the pics of sydders in the chair and looking at herself in the mirror!