The birthday girl with her uncle Bubby!

Well folks, the first birthday party for little miss Sydney when down without a hitch (save my piercing headache). It was much like Grace's first with all the people, but this time there were MANY more children, which Syd loves. We had a magician for the older kids who also specializes in the most amazing balloon creations. So fun! And I think the kids really liked it as well. The poor man had to take on at least 10 kids at any given time, shouting and squealing for balloons. Grace had a blast and was sooo proud of her baby sister. I have to say the actual singing of the birthday was sooo amazing this time around. She loved the singing (and chanting by the other children to "eat your cake, eat your cake") and actually ate her cake and LOVED it (of course). And get this: she still took her nap! Yea!
Here is a pic of one proud mama holding the darling little cake that I made for her (the icing was homemade with lots of butter, cream cheese and powdered sugar!)

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Here she is impatiently waiting for the cake!

And this is when I first set the cake down. She was a little unsure...

And now we're getting somewhere...mmmmmm

Mommy loves you, Sydney!