Sunday, December 30, 2007

It was hard, not gonna lie to you. I had this surreal feeling come over me during the exchanging of the vows. It's strange, because weddings are usually such a happy time. Wade and I normally look at each other, smile and remember that amazing feeling when we got married. I definitely did not have that feeling wash over me.

It was quick, the girls didn't walk down the aisle throwing flowers (much to Grace's dismay, "that was the most boring wedding EVER!"), and there were only 20 people at most.

Grace and Sydney looked precious, which is more than I can say for the others. Wow, that was rude. Here are some pics to shut up my bitchiness.

The after party was a freakin madhouse, to which Wade and I only stayed about an hour. The girls had fun, but I was seriously worried that Sydney was going to trip and kill an old person. She was damn excited to be staying up so late.

Which brings us to the funniest picture of the night.

Get it girl! Eat that shitty food!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Meet the Newest Member of Our Family

This is Abigail:

And the best part:

Probably not exactly the surprise he was hoping for.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

The 2nd Christmas

Grace continues to amaze me in her memory and/or willingness to remember my mom. For those of you that know G, are already aware of her, ahem, inability to see the big picture.... But today, 2 days before Christmas, she feels the need to tell Sydney about my mom.
"Cici is dead, " to which Sydney replies, "oh (pondering)..., sissy dead."
After a lot of, "no, cici, not sissy" talk, Grace goes on to tell her that it is okay that she is dead because she still lives in "here" and points to her chest.

*Insert me DYING*

I shit you not. I have never told her that. I'm sure someone has, but nonetheless, it is strange to hear my six year old say these words.

We then go downstairs and Grace tells me that she is going to draw a beautiful picture for Cici. For Christmas. Because it was her favorite holiday.

She's trying to kill me.

How does she remember this? It may be because we still talk about her (at least Wade, my brother and I) and she has simply heard it from our mouths. Who knows? It still breaks my heart.

And makes me proud.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mary had a sad little lamb...

My youngest child broke my heart into several million little pieces today.

She didn't want to perform in the theater as a little lamb. She wanted to sit on my lap and watch the other children perform the worst Christmas play to date. But, nooooooooo, her "teacher" wanted her to sit with the other children and sing the songs.

But she didn't want to.

(who is that poor motherless child in the background?)

And so I am the mother and I get to make those decisions. So she sat on my lap.

And was a happy little lamb.

The end.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Home Sweet Home

You really never realize how much you take advantage of everyday conveniences, like, electricity, cable and heat. Sure, these are things that you don't get free, but, they are also things that you would never be without. Brief interlude for a little pic of the cutest snow bunny. And yes, she may be wearing the same socks that she wore Monday. Packing on the fly is hard!!

Our electricity came back on at 6 pm Wednesday night, and I was ecstatic!!!!!!!!!! We decided tostay in the hotel room one more night, because we had already paid for it and because our house was 49 degrees. Brrrrrr.... But we are definitely one of the lucky ones, so no complaining. Now we have to deal with insurance companies, which should be fun. NOT!! Here's how excited Rudolph is about talking to the insurance company AND delivering gifts:

The kids were also really excited to be back in their own beds, both marked by very little bickering our first day back. And I'll have you know I was so excited to be back that I actually did 4!! loads of laundry (Myself, people...which also included folding AND putting away), made chili in the crock pot and made blond brownies. Who's happy to have electric??!?!??

Me!! That's who! And Curly marked his excitement to be back by darting out the front door (for the billionth time in 2007), but Wade actually caught him with his bare hands, which is no small feat. Curly is a fast mo-fo. I just had to put this pic up because both Wade and Curly look cute after the above mentioned capture!

So, all is right in the Starr house. And thankfully it did not snow a bizillion inches like they thought! God owes OK some apologies here!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the view from my window

And that was our trampoline.

And, no, we are not at home. We are sitting comfortably in a hotel in downtown OKC after losing power on Sunday night. That NEVER came back on. And they think it may be upwards of a week.

And there was a tree in my dining room. And I'm not talking about a Christmas tree.

I do believe my worst nightmare is coming true. No school, no babysitter, no electricity, NO SANITY!!!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007


I was determined to get a cute pic with the girls together for a Christmas card because THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!! I've been trying with my camera phone for the last 2 months to no avail. Thankfully the lovely Camille offered her expertise and came to the house this a.m. to attempt to "catch" them both looking decent. And when I say both I mean Sydney. Grace knows that when I'm trying to take some serious pics, she's supposed to smile with all her might. But Sydney is a pain in the rump. She purposefully makes silly faces just to make me cry. And loves it. Most of the pics were awesome, but here are a few of the, ahem, less than pretty ones.

Now, obviously I'm not going to show you the good ones just yet (I'm sure everyone can hardly contain their excitement). You'll be seeing them in the darrrrling Christmas cards I just ordered form here. And if you don't think I'm going to send you one, then send me your address and I'll do it!!! You know you want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Thank you so much Camille!)

(Thank you so much Bubby for helping put our house together for Christmas!)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Flashback Tuesday

This picture was taken last year, November 30, 2006. It's around 70 degrees today! Oh, snow, where have you gone??

Although, I do hate school snow days!