You really never realize how much you take advantage of everyday conveniences, like, electricity, cable and heat. Sure, these are things that you don't get free, but, they are also things that you would never be without. Brief interlude for a little pic of the cutest snow bunny. And yes, she may be wearing the same socks that she wore Monday. Packing on the fly is hard!!

Our electricity came back on at 6 pm Wednesday night, and I was ecstatic!!!!!!!!!! We decided tostay in the hotel room one more night, because we had already paid for it and because our house was 49 degrees. Brrrrrr.... But we are definitely one of the lucky ones, so no complaining. Now we have to deal with insurance companies, which should be fun. NOT!! Here's how excited Rudolph is about talking to the insurance company AND delivering gifts:

The kids were also really excited to be back in their own beds, both marked by very little bickering our first day back. And I'll have you know I was so excited to be back that I actually did 4!! loads of laundry (Myself, people...which also included folding AND putting away), made chili in the crock pot and made blond brownies. Who's happy to have electric??!?!??

Me!! That's who! And Curly marked his excitement to be back by darting out the front door (for the billionth time in 2007), but Wade actually caught him with his bare hands, which is no small feat. Curly is a fast mo-fo. I just had to put this pic up because both Wade and Curly look cute after the above mentioned capture!
So, all is right in the Starr house. And thankfully it did not snow a bizillion inches like they thought! God owes OK some apologies here!