Friday, February 15, 2008

When Robitussin Attacks

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

I'm just so happy to get to share with you what a complete and total nutcase my child turns into when presented with cough syrup. This video is a little over one minute, but you must watch it in its entirety because the face she makes after taking the syrupy nastiness is priceless!


The Mossmans said...

OMG!!! Freakin' hilarious!

Anonymous said...

k. that was funny! i'm going to die if i take that! HA!

ashli said...

Love it! Anna's situation very similiar but she screams a little more like a crazy person, but she has to have the water too, she makes sure she can visibly see that I have made her a cup, before she even considers it.

Anonymous said...

I thought she was actually going to throw up at the end. You really shouldnt make her drink rotten rat blood like you do. But at least she will be ready to compete on Fear Factor!

Anonymous said...

But how pretty is she?!? Seriously, she is growing up! And then you get to partake of the robitussin, too- sounds like mother's little helper- better than wine! -Camille

Unknown said...

too funny....I hope that I can see you guys sometime soon...I hope the car rides with Grace are better lol