Grace had her first basketball game on Saturday after 2 practices about 2 weeks ago. Oh yea, we were in for a comedy of errors! In kindergarten basketball they don't have to dribble just take turns "guarding" and "shooting". Unfortunately, she didn't make a goal, but boy did she certainly act in typical Grace fashion. This first two pictures are of her "guarding". Notice how she's really into the game at this point. Atta girl!

The next picture you can tell she's getting a little more aggressive, actually lunging for the ball. If you notice, none of the other kids are even moving a body part, but, hell who cares! she got the ball! WooHoo!

And typically, here is what Sydney did during the big game:

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , two fisted, no less!
How cute is she! If she ever has a game at a normal person time, let us know, we love to see her in action and we could help keep Syd entertained between Stella, Lily and some snacks of course, she'd be set!
Love that. BTW, I hate the snow too....:)
Who cares about being a team player - I mean really it is all about the outfit and thank god Westminster has better basketball uniforms than when i went to school there!! Not only could I not play basketball, we all looked just down right ugly. BTW, guess I gotta bring my own snacks to the game cause syd doesn't look much like she's up for sharing those tasty treats!!
one more thing, I am soooo loathing the dirty, city snow in chicago......brrrr to the bone. It is a balmy paradise in OKC compared to this place. Will it ever melt???? Will I ever see the sun again???
Maja- I'm not gonna rip on Okies too hard (you know, I am one!) but the weather here doesn't even slightly resemble Chicago winters. Thank your lucky stars that you have a parking spot, I cannot tell you how many days I (yes ME) had to dig my GD car out of the snow. Nothing EVER closes there and one is always expected to go to work! That being said, no, it really never ends. Warm weather doesn't show it's face until mid-May. Now you know why I gained so much weight when I lived there! Nothing to do but eat and sit on your ass (and dig, of course!)
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