Anyway, as expected, today was great. Sydney took two awesome naps, Grace and I went swimming at MiMi's and Wade came home for much needed relief at 4:00. Oh, and we hired a new "nanny" (thanks Camille). That is what she prefers to be called and that's all good if it makes her feel better. I just always think it sounds like I am some uppity mom from the nanny diaries, but hopefully none of you think of me like that! I just like to have lots of assistance and Wade is all for it, so bring it on. She will help about 15-20 hours a week this summer focusing mainly on the baby. It gives me some free time and extra special time with Grace. I think it will be worth it for my sanity!
So that's how I'm doing and I will leave you with some cute new pics:
This little item around her neck is from a school activity, tell me she didn't love that! At home, not so much the boss as the bosser.

Just like her daddy (sorry, Wade, I couldn't resist).

Grace and her friend Kaili on their last day of school--aren't they cute? Doesn't the classroom look peaceful. Westminster's favorite adjective.

It's Aunt Jemima baby! Her absolute favorite place on earth is looking out the front door. (and of course that shit-head Curly made it in the pic).

Sydney's best Don King impression. It's pretty good, don'cha think?

Hope everyone has as awesome Memorial Weekend. Good luck to the hens making their way to family camp. Have fun!