OH MY GOD! I officially have no time. I knew when school was out that I would have less time to do things just for me like blogging, but, WOW, I have like no time whatsoever. Sydney takes 2 pretty good naps a day and I can usually let Grace watch t.v. during that time and then I have some time on the computer. But lately Grace will watch like 10 minutes of t.v. and then TURN IT OFF!! Now, for those of you that know Grace, know that she is a huge lover of the boob tube. I pretty much have to limit t.v. to the above said times. She can usually stare at it without flinching for a good 30 minutes. You can say her name, yell at her, dance in front of her etc. without even a blink of the eye. So why now? I haven't a clue but it's really pissing me off. I can't tell her she has to because that would be so wrong. I have been saying, "really, are you sure? That show just started and you love it!" It's not working. She replies, "no thanks." And during the 10 minutes of t.v. she is constantly needing something: snack, juice, look at the huge booger in her nose etc. PULEEZE! So you're probably thinking that I should just let her play quietly by herself. I do! But it's not quietly and it's not by herself. "mommy look at this," "mommy feel this," "mommy I need a bandaid," etc.etc.etc. Try writing a new post while hearing that. Hell, I can't even read an email. She's killing me ever so slowly.
Memorial weekend was pretty fun except that Sydney offically hates to swim. Our summer doesn't bode well with that attitude! This is a pic of syd after the near fatal scrape to the nose. BOO HOO!
Wow, I can't imagine what not having any time must feel like! My deepest sympathies! Okay, must go and return to eating bon-bons and watching t.v. Sucks to be you :)
ok, shut up Jamie. At least you're never bored:)
God, what good are kids if they can't be counted on to watch at least 1 hour a day of television!! Annaliese is slowly getting the hang of it, and she has been known to watch Cinderella all the way until the Fairy Godmother pays Cinderella a visit. Not to worry, as Jenna always reminds me, she won't be doing this at 16. You will wish she would talk to you!!
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