Sunday, June 11, 2006

how we stay entertained on monotonous days

This was just a total fluke. Wade purchased an antique typewriter that has been the biggest hit with both girls. Safe to say the thing won't see next week, but WHO CARES it got us through this one.

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brooke said...

OH my god. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! She is crazy! They are really sweet together!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! It's awesome that you captured that moment- makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it? -Camille

Keithclan said...

Good job on controlling your commentary, and when the magic wears off for your kids, can I borrow the typewriter? I was hoping you would pan up so we could see the new boob tube, you realize I am coming over to watch the season premiere of project runway, right?

ginny said...

when is the season premiere? are you just looking far ahead into the future? Don't forget about big brother...:)

Summer said...

It's pretty sad that they think a typewriter is so cool. I grew up hearing the click, click, click of those things!!!! We're old!! very cute stuff!

ashli said...

Sisters! so frickin adorable!