Well, Mr. Consierate finally showed up at 2:15, apologizing profusely for his tardiness. Funny enough, he brought her back at 3:15 saying that he was going to hit a few golf balls. Mkay. And if my day wasn't painful enough, one of my husband's best buddies in from Chicago, came over tonight with his 8 year old son and 55 year old mother. I have a lot of experience with this particular woman and she is the most annoying woman in town. Guess who got to sit and talk to her for 2 hours while the kids played with the dad's? You know it!
Whew! I am already ready for this day to be over. Both kids woke up before I even had a chance to brew coffee. This is not too unusual, but they had both been sleeping a little later since our vacation. Not anymore!! Grace really wanted to go on a walk sometime today and the only time I could forsee this was before 9. We went yesterday about 10 and it was already 80 degrees. So we had some cereal and took off. I decided to take Curly with us since Grace likes to push the stroller, I can manhandle the dog through the streets. Besides a little pulling of the leash and barking at squirrels, he did pretty well. I thought it would be good for him, you know, blow off some steam, get a little exercise. So you'll be suprised to know that when I came home from church, he had chewed half my house up. Curly hasn't chewed things in a long time. He had chewed up crayons, a styrofoam cup, a sippy cup, one of Grace's flip-flops (that she loves, of course). Why?!??! No really, I am asking all you freakin' dog lovers. Why would my dog thank me by chewing up all my shit?!?!?!? So.Pissed.
And about church you ask. DD picked us up, as he
always does and we go to church. On the way, I ask him if maybe he'd like to take Grace this afternoon for a few hours since she hasn't seen him in a week. You know, Mr. freakin' social. Sure, love to. Great!! I'll feed them and bring her by around 12:30 and then come by when Sydney wakes up. Great!!
Cut to the end of church, DD is talking to AF, discussing something that appears to involve some thinking. He walks up to me, "okay, great, yeah, just bring her by around 1, actually let me call you when I get home." He walks off. Ummmmm....."DD, are you leaving?" I am so confused at this point. "yes." "Okayyyyy, and how are we getting home?" Ding. The memory light bulb goes off. "oh, hang on, I'll be right back." He comes back minutes later. Mimi and Paco can take us. So what, you ask is sooo important that we have to lug the carseat to another car to ge a ride home 10 minutes away. Give me f*cking break. I walk up to AF's daughter, "wow, my dad forgot that he had to take us home and has arranged someone else to take us." She (who really is so sweet) says, " Oh, I just assumed you would come with us." My reply, "which is?" She says, "brunch." Oh yea, that would be nice. God forbid he take his daughter and granddaughters with him. This is the same man that when I asked him if he was going to the wine dinner tonight at DF he replied, "yea, I guess so. I was hoping to have a night off." Yea right. F*CKING LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I feel better now. Not really, but whatever. So. It is now 2pm and Grace is sitting here waiting for him to come and get her!! Still waiting!!! Sydney is upstairs, not sleeping. She has been playing/whining for an hour. I cannot even remember the last time she didn't take a nap.
Aarg. This day sucks.
Happy Gay Day!!